Ms Frizzle Has Moved!!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Vocabulary Pictures

I was chatting with my cousin at a family gathering today and asking her questions about the Physics class she's currently taking (she's a 9th grade student). She mentioned on homework assignment that got me all excited!!!

As a test is approaching, the teacher gives each student a list of vocabulary words. The students are responsible to "surf the net" and find pictures they can use to illustrate each word. The same picture can be used for each word, as long as the student can skillfully explain the connection. 

I think this is a great way to get kids thinking about Physics in their everyday lives and a creative way to get them out of the textbook!!

Never mind the fact that it is a useful assessment tool for teachers. I'm sure this teacher can easily tailor his exam reviews based on the kids' assignment answers!!

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